Santi Lawrachawee
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Santi Lawrachawee


b. 1971, Bangkok, Thailand
Lives and works in Bangkok, Thailand

Santi Lawrachawee’s works are rooted in his training as a designer and his experience as a design lecturer. In the realm of visual arts, he applies the grammar and media logic of graphic design to create interactive processes activating people, time ,and space. He prefers to work with media and methods he feels strongly connected to, including symbols, logos, maps, book,s and other published material. Co-founder of Practical Design Studio, his works are often explorations of the language systems of graphics and typography. Lawrachawee is known for his work as a book cover designer, including the Wisdom Series by Pinyo Traisuriyathamma which featured five books (2017), Musahi (2017), and a Thai release of Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse (2016)—all published by open books. Lawrachawee was awarded Designer of the Year in Graphic Design by Wallpaper* Magazine and the Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce.


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Krung Thep, เข้านอก-ออกใน
Bangkok Bananas, Art & Culture Festival 2009,
Typographic Installation at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC), Bangkok


Resort View01Resort View02Resort View03

Give me your story, I’ll give you mine
Resort: An exhibition for landscape of rest
at Main Gallery, 8th floor, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Bangkok


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Siddhartha Book Lover Edition
Published only 1,000 copies by openBooks.



Graphic Trial 2018 (a high quality printed poster exhibition)
at P&P Gallery, Printing Museum, Tokyo, Japan


Sharjah Ntmy

Sharjah, Nice to meet you (In between writing and drawing)
Fikra Graphic Design Biennial - Ministry of Graphic Design, Sharjah, UAE.


Bkk Ntmy Installation03

Bangkok, Nice to meet you
Paradise Lost Exhibition, on 8th Floor, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC)


12 BooksBook SideviewInstallation View 2nd Fl BooksInstallation View Freedom

Mem.O.You — Memorandum of understanding
Solo Exhibition “MemOyoU (Memorandum of Understanding)”


Duet Exhibition “DiaLogic” with Another Nitibhon, Xspace, Bangkok